If you’re an avid golfer and have been stuck at the same score for a few months, it may be time to make some changes. Breaking 80 in golf is not an easy feat, but with some practice and these tips, you can break through that barrier! Keep reading to learn about some useful tricks to break 80 in golf.


Breaking 80 in golf is a huge achievement for many golfers, as it requires mastering all aspects of the game. Many golfers strive to break 80 and have the skills to do it, but lack the knowledge of how to get there. Luckily, with the right information and dedication, it is possible to break 80. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most effective tricks to breaking 80 in golf, from understanding the basics of the game to using technology to improve your swing. With this information and some hard work, you’ll be able to break 80 in no time!

Some Useful Tricks to Break 80 in Golf

Understand the Basics of Golf

If you are serious about breaking 80 in golf, it is important to understand the basics of the game. Knowing the rules, understanding the different shots and strokes, and having a basic understanding of course management will help you stay on track and reach your goals. Improving your swing is key, but so is being aware of the elements of the game. Being aware of how the wind affects your ball flight, or the importance of playing from the fairway instead of the rough, are just some of the basics of golf that will help you break 80.

Improve Your Swing

If you want to break 80, you need to improve your swing. To do this, you need to focus on the basics: grip, posture, alignment, and ball position. It’s also important to work on your swing plane and tempo. You should also strive for consistency in your swing, as this will help you become a more accurate player.

Practicing your swing is also key. You can use hitting mats, golf nets, and other tools to help you get better. Working with a certified golf instructor is also a great way to improve your swing and make sure your technique is sound. They can also provide valuable feedback and help you identify areas to work on.

It’s also important to use the right equipment. Having the right clubs and golf balls can make a huge difference in your game. You should also use the right tees and practice aids to help you get better. Doing your research and trying out different clubs and balls can be beneficial.

Finally, practice makes perfect. Find a range or practice facility that allows you to hit balls, and use it as much as possible. Working on your game on a regular basis will help you develop your swing and improve your ball striking. With enough practice, you’ll be able to break 80 in no time.

Develop a Solid Pre-shot Routine

Developing a consistent pre-shot routine is one of the most important elements of breaking 80. In golf, the more consistent you can be in your shot execution, the more success you will have. With a solid pre-shot routine, you can ensure that your setup and swing mechanics stay the same each time you address the ball. This will help you to become confident and consistent with your shots, and ultimately help you break 80.

Your pre-shot routine should include a few simple steps. First, take a few practice swings to make sure your body is loose and ready to hit the ball. Next, stand behind the ball and take a few breaths to help you relax. Finally, address the ball, ensure your feet are set, check your alignment and grip, and make a smooth swing.

Having a consistent pre-shot routine will help to ensure that you hit accurate shots, and will ultimately be a key factor in helping you break 80. So take the time to develop a pre-shot routine that works for you, and stick to it. You’ll be surprised at how much of an impact this will have on your scores.

Evaluate Your Equipment

Once you have mastered the basics of golf and worked on your swing fundamentals, it is important to evaluate the equipment you are using. The right equipment can make a huge difference in your game, and it is important to make sure that your clubs are properly fitted and suited to your skill level. Having the wrong clubs can make it difficult to hit consistent shots and make it hard to break 80. A professional fitter can help you find the right clubs for your game and make sure they are fitted correctly. Additionally, investing in top-quality golf balls can also make a difference in your performance. High-performance golf balls are designed to provide you with more control and spin, which can help you hit better shots and score lower.

Improve Your Mental Game

Having a strong mental game is just as important as having a good swing when it comes to breaking 80 in golf. You need to be able to stay focused and confident even when things start to go wrong. The best way to do this is to develop a solid pre-shot routine. This should include visualizing the shot you want to hit, setting up to the ball with the correct posture, and taking a few practice swings to get the feel for the shot. Doing this every time you address the ball will help you stay focused and calm even when the pressure is on. Additionally, you should take time before each round to set goals and visualize yourself shooting in the 70s. This will help you stay motivated and remind you of why you are out there trying to break 80 in the first place.

Practice Proper Course Management

Having a solid pre-shot routine will help you to make consistent decisions on the golf course. But even the best pre-shot routines won’t get you to break 80 unless you practice proper course management. Course management is the art of playing the right shot at the right time. It’s about evaluating the situation and playing the shot that gives you the best chance of scoring.

One of the most important concepts in course management is playing to the strengths of your game. If you’re a good putter, you’ll want to set up your shots so that you have a birdie putt. If you’re a good driver of the ball, you’ll want to hit a drive that gives you a good angle into the green. Knowing your game and playing to your strengths is key to breaking 80.

Another key to course management is understanding the course. Before you tee off, you should have an idea of how you’re going to play the holes. You should know which shots you can pull off and which ones you should lay up on. Knowing the course will help you to make the right decisions and play more consistently.

Finally, it’s important to be patient and take your time on the golf course. Rushing your shots can often cause you to make bad decisions. If you take your time and focus on your pre-shot routine, you’ll be in a better position to make good decisions on the course.

If you can combine a solid pre-shot routine, course management, and patience, you’ll be well on your way to breaking 80 in golf.

Focus on Short Game Fundamentals

Having a good short game is essential for breaking 80 in golf. The short game includes chipping, pitching, and putting, and all three are important for scoring. To improve your short game, practice each shot until you become comfortable and confident with it. Make sure to focus on the fundamentals of each shot, such as club selection, setup, and swing path. Make sure to practice from various distances and different kinds of lies. This will allow you to become more comfortable with all kinds of shots and will give you the confidence you need when faced with a tough shot on the course. Additionally, consider using a Trackman or Flightscope to get an accurate reading on your shots and pinpoint exactly what you need to adjust. With a bit of practice and focus, you’ll be able to improve your short game and break 80 in no time!

Use a Trackman or Flightscope to Improve Your Golf Swing

Using a Trackman or Flightscope to improve your golf swing can take your game to the next level. These tools provide instant feedback and allow you to quickly identify and address any flaws in your swing. They can also help you to gain a better understanding of your ball flight and the effects of your club head speed, launch angle, spin rate, and more. By better understanding these factors and their impact on your shot, you’ll be able to make more consistent shots and lower your scores. With the help of a Trackman or Flightscope, you’ll find it easier to break 80 in golf.


Breaking 80 in golf can seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategies and techniques, it’s definitely achievable. By focusing on improving your swing, developing a solid pre-shot routine, evaluating your equipment, and mastering the mental game, you can drastically lower your scores. Additionally, utilizing proper course management, mastering short game fundamentals, and using a Trackman or Flightscope to improve your golf swing can help you break 80. With the right tools and techniques, you can achieve your goal of shooting in the 70s.