Golfers know that their clubs are more than just a set of tools – they’re an extension of themselves. But when it comes to taking your clubs on the plane, protecting them can be a challenge. In this blog post, we’ll cover the best strategies and products for keeping your golf clubs safe while flying.


Are you a frequent traveler and a lover of golf? If so, you know the importance of protecting your precious golf clubs when flying. Each year, thousands of golfers face the dreaded experience of either having their clubs damaged or lost in transit. To prevent this from happening, there are several precautions you can take when packing your clubs. In this blog, we will discuss the best tips and tricks on how to protect your golf clubs when flying. Read on to learn how to keep your clubs safe and secure when on the move.

Some tips to Protect Your Golf Clubs When Flying

Choose Appropriate Luggage

When it comes to preparing your golf clubs for air travel, the first step is choosing the right luggage. Hardshell golf cases are the most secure option, as they provide the best protection from impacts. These cases are designed to keep your golf clubs secure while in transit, and they are easy to wheel through airports. However, they can be heavy and expensive, so they may not be the best choice for everyone. If you don’t want to invest in a hardshell case, there are a variety of padded golf travel bags available. These bags are lightweight and provide a moderate level of protection. They’re also less expensive than hardshell cases, so they may be more feasible for some travelers. Regardless of which option you choose, make sure your golf clubs are securely fastened inside the case or bag.

Check the Airline’s Regulations

Before flying with your golf clubs, it is important to check the regulations of the airline you will be traveling with. Different airlines have different rules and regulations regarding the transportation of sports equipment, so make sure you are aware of the specific policies for your airline. This includes both size and weight restrictions for golf bags, as well as what type of protection is necessary for the clubs. Knowing the airline’s regulations will help you to ensure that your clubs are properly protected and that you don’t get stuck with any unexpected fees or delays.

Wrap Your Golf Clubs in Bubble Wrap

Wrapping your golf clubs in bubble wrap is an important step when flying with them to ensure they are well protected. In addition to providing cushioning against bumps and jolts, bubble wrap also helps keep clubs from rubbing together, reducing the risk of scratches and scuffs. To wrap your clubs, start by wrapping each club head individually in bubble wrap. Secure the wrap with tape, and then wrap the entire club shaft in bubble wrap, securing it with tape as well. You can also add extra bubble wrap between each club shaft to provide extra protection. Once you have wrapped your clubs, put them in the middle of your suitcase to help protect them from shifting during travel.

Add an Extra Layer of Protection with a Cover

Adding an extra layer of protection to your golf clubs is a great way to ensure they are safe during your flight. A golf bag cover can provide extra cushioning and act as a buffer for your clubs. It can also help protect them from dirt and damage, as well as provide some security if you’re worried about theft. Some covers are made from waterproof material, which is especially useful if your bags are going to be exposed to the elements. Make sure to double-check the size of the cover you’re buying to ensure it fits your golf bag.

Pack Your Golf Clubs in the Middle of Your Suitcase

Now that you have chosen the right luggage and wrapped your clubs, it’s time to pack them in your suitcase. It’s important to make sure that your clubs are in the middle of your suitcase. This will help provide extra protection and prevent them from potentially getting damaged during the flight. To make sure that your clubs don’t move, consider filling any remaining space with clothing or towels. Additionally, if you have shoes, you can place them in the club head covers to keep them from sliding around during transit.

Fill Any Empty Spaces with Clothing or Towels

When packing your golf clubs for a flight, it’s important to make sure that there is no extra space in the bag. Empty spaces can cause your clubs to move and rub against each other, which can cause damage. To prevent this, fill in any empty spaces with clothing or towels. This will help protect your clubs from scratches and dents, and make sure that they stay in place during the flight. Additionally, you can use additional packing material such as bubble wrap or golf towels to further protect your clubs. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your golf clubs will be safe and secure during your flight.

Place Your Shoes in the Club Head Covers

Putting your shoes in the club head covers is an easy way to provide extra protection for your golf clubs while traveling. Not only is it an extra layer of cushioning, but it also helps keep the clubs from shifting around in the bag while they are being moved. Additionally, if you are carrying a hard case, the shoes will provide extra stability and keep the clubs from sliding around inside the case. This can be especially important if you are traveling with a large set of clubs. With the shoes in the club head covers, you can be sure that your clubs will stay safe and secure throughout your trip.

Include a Detailed Inventory of Your Clubs

Once you have taken all the necessary steps to protect your golf clubs, it’s important to take an inventory of the clubs you packed. Make a list of all the clubs you are travelling with and include a description of each one. This will help you identify any clubs that may go missing during the flight and make it easier to file a claim with the airline. In addition to making a list, you can also take photos of the clubs in their packaging to provide evidence of your items if there is any discrepancy. Taking an inventory of your clubs can help ensure that your golf set remains together and intact after your flight.

Secure the Zipper Closure with Cable Ties

Once you’ve finished wrapping your golf clubs in bubble wrap and packing them in your suitcase, it’s time to secure the zipper closure with cable ties. Securing the zipper with cable ties will provide an extra layer of protection to ensure your golf clubs stay safe during the flight. It’s important to be mindful of the size and strength of the cable ties you use, as some airlines have restrictions when it comes to the size and strength of the cable ties used on luggage. Be sure to check the airline’s regulations and use the appropriate cable ties to secure the zipper closure on your suitcase.

Keep Valuables Separate and Carry On Your Bags

When traveling with golf clubs, you’ll want to make sure any valuable items are kept separate and carried on your person. Any items that are of a high value such as laptops, phones, cameras, jewelry, and cash should be kept with you in a carry-on bag or purse. This way, even if your checked luggage gets lost or damaged, you’ll still have your valuables in your possession. Additionally, by carrying these items on your person, it will reduce the risk of them being stolen or misplaced during your travels.


When it comes to flying with your golf clubs, it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect your equipment. The right luggage, protective materials, and careful packing are all essential for keeping your golf clubs safe. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your clubs will arrive in one piece and ready to hit the green. With the right preparation and care, you can travel with your golf clubs with confidence.