Golf is a game that requires precision and accuracy. One of the most crucial aspects of the game is putting. A golfer’s putting skills can often make or break a game. To become a successful putter, it’s essential to have the right grip on your putter.

The grip on your putter is how you hold it in your hands. It’s the foundation for your putting stroke, and a proper grip can help you improve your putting accuracy and consistency. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the proper way to grip a putter and some tips for improving your putting game.

Grip A Putter

  • The Standard Putter Grip

The most common way to grip a putter is with the standard grip. To grip the putter in this way, follow these steps:

  1. Place the putter handle in your left hand, with your thumb on top of the grip and your fingers around the handle.
  2. Slide your right hand down the handle of the putter, so your right pinky finger is touching your left index finger.
  3. Place your right thumb on top of the grip, slightly to the left of the left thumb.
  4. Your right hand should be slightly lower on the grip than your left hand.
  5. The putter should rest diagonally across the fingers of both hands.
  6. The V between your thumbs and index fingers should point towards your right shoulder.

This grip is the most commonly used grip for putting. It allows for good control of the putter head, and the hands work together to create a smooth, pendulum-like putting stroke.

grip a putter

  • The Cross-Handed Putter Grip

Another popular grip for putting is the cross-handed grip. This grip is also known as the “left-hand low” grip because the left hand is placed below the right hand on the grip. To grip the putter in this way, follow these steps:

  1. Place the putter handle in your left hand, with your fingers around the grip and your thumb on top of the grip.
  2. Slide your right hand up the grip and place it on top of your left hand.
  3. The palms of both hands should be facing each other, and the grip should rest diagonally across the fingers of both hands.
  4. The V between your thumbs and index fingers should point towards your left shoulder.

This grip is becoming increasingly popular because it allows for a more stable and consistent putting stroke. It can also help reduce wrist movement during the stroke, leading to greater accuracy.

grip a putter

  • Tips for Improving Your Putting Game

Now that you know how to grip a putter properly let’s discuss some tips for improving your putting game.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice: The only way to improve your putting game is by practicing. Spend time on the putting green working on your stroke and adjusting to the speed and slope of the green.
  2. Keep Your Eyes Over the Ball: One of the most important aspects of putting is aligning your eyes with the ball. Keep your eyes directly over the ball, and your head should be still throughout your putting stroke.
  3. Control Your Pace: The speed of your putting stroke is crucial. A good putting stroke is smooth and consistent, without any jerky movements. Practice controlling your pace by taking short, smooth swings.
  4. Read the Green: Before you putt, take the time to read the green and visualize the path of the ball. Take into account the slope, speed, and any obstacles in the way.
  5. Practice Different Distances: Practice putting from different distances to improve your accuracy and get a feel for how hard you need to hit the ball.

grip a putter

Importance of grip pressure and how to adjust it

Grip pressure is one of the most important aspects of a golfer’s swing. The right grip pressure can help a golfer maintain control of the club throughout the swing, resulting in better accuracy and distance. However, many golfers overlook the importance of grip pressure and don’t realize that they may be holding the club too tightly or too loosely. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of grip pressure and how to adjust it for optimal performance.

The Importance of Grip Pressure

Grip pressure is the amount of pressure a golfer applies to the club with their hands. The correct grip pressure can help a golfer maintain control of the club throughout the swing, resulting in better accuracy and distance. If a golfer grips the club too tightly, it can cause tension in the hands, arms, and shoulders, leading to a less fluid swing and a loss of power. On the other hand, if a golfer grips the club too loosely, it can result in a lack of control and accuracy.

How to Adjust Grip Pressure

There are a few ways to adjust grip pressure to achieve optimal performance:

  1. Experiment with Different Grip Pressures: Golfers should experiment with different grip pressures to find the one that works best for them. Start with a medium grip pressure and gradually adjust it up or down until it feels comfortable and natural.
  2. Use a Lighter Grip Pressure for Short Game Shots: A lighter grip pressure is ideal for short game shots, such as chips and putts. This allows for better feel and touch around the greens.
  3. Use a Firmer Grip Pressure for Full Shots: A firmer grip pressure is ideal for full shots, such as drives and iron shots. This provides more control and power through the swing.
  4. Relax the Hands and Arms: To achieve the correct grip pressure, golfers should relax their hands and arms throughout the swing. Tension in the hands and arms can lead to a loss of power and accuracy.
  5. Check Grip Pressure Throughout the Round: Golfers should check their grip pressure throughout the round to ensure that it remains consistent. It’s common for grip pressure to change during the course of a round due to fatigue or nerves.

Grip pressure is a crucial aspect of a golfer’s swing, but many golfers overlook its importance. The right grip pressure can help a golfer maintain control of the club throughout the swing, resulting in better accuracy and distance. Golfers should experiment with different grip pressures and adjust it based on the shot and situation. By practicing and adjusting grip pressure, golfers can improve their performance and enjoy the game even more.


A proper grip on your putter is essential for improving your putting game. The standard grip and the cross-handed grip are the two most common grips used in golf. Remember to practice consistently